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Weight loss

Weight Loss


ChiroThin is a combination of a specialized diet program as well as a proprietary supplement monitored by your doctor to help you lose weight in as little as 6 weeks. No shakes, shots, prepackaged food, or exercise required!

We are excited to be able to offer the Doctor supervised weight loss program ChiroThin at our office. Being overweight can be the culprit of a wide variety of health issues. In combination with Chiropractic, healthy eating habits and weight loss can significantly improve our overall health and improve many conditions. People have forgotten how to eat in a way that promotes health and being at their optimal weight and the two go hand-in-hand. 

Before simply introducing another new diet or weight loss supplements into our office, we wanted to make sure that 1) it actually works! 2) it includes strategies for healthy dietary changes and long-term weight loss, not just a temporary quick fix, and 3) it includes high quality nutritional ingredients that are safe for our patients. In order to do so, several of our employees tried ChiroThin for 6 weeks and the results convinced us to offer the program to our patients! In addition, we like that it is Doctor supervised, which not only keeps you accountable and on track to reach your goals but the pre-screening also ensures that you are a good candidate for the program. ChiroThin teaches people how and what to eat in the real world. There are no shakes, no eating meals out of a box, no crazy exercise programs, and all of the food is purchased at the grocery store.



Where is ChiroThin™ manufactured, and what are the quality control guidelines? 

In order to maintain the highest standards for our ingredients and manufacturing, all of ChiroNutraceutical's products use only 100% United States derived, harvested, and combined ingredients. Our manufacturing facilities are located in the United States, and are FDA certified. FDA inspections ensure compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) for your safety. Unlike many nutritional companies, ChiroNutraceutical holds its own individual FDA Establishment Number. 


What sets ChiroNutraceutical's™ products apart from the rest? 

Unlike lower-grade products, you will not find our products being sold online or by other companies. We have worked with our formulation team to create only top-shelf nutritional dietary supplements. We do not import any ingredients from overseas. The ChiroThin formula is proprietary and uses nothing but high-grade ingredients. Our unique formula has many advantages, such as added natural appetite suppressants, energy supplements, detoxification, lean muscle protection, and more. This carefully designed formulation optimizes the weight loss plan. Patients frequently report to us that they feel much better and have fewer hunger issues while taking the ChiroThin nutritional support formula than when they had tried other weight loss programs. 



What is ChiroThin and how does it work?

ChiroThin™ is a natural dietary supplement. Its formula, developed by ChiroNutraceutical, contains a host of nutritional ingredients that are well known to aid in fatty acid transportation, fatty acid metabolism, and blood sugar stabilization, as well as increase metabolism and detoxification. When ChiroThin is combined with healthy and specific amounts of anti-inflammatory foods with a low glycemic index, your body will be more efficient at converting stored fat into energy. In general, ChiroThin allows the body to more efficiently metabolize fat and use it as energy when an individual consumes fewer calories than he or she burns in a given period of time. ChiroNutraceutical has specially designed the ChiroThin formula to include specific amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and cell salts for further added benefits. Additionally, the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program includes dietary and behavioral modification guidance, as well as a strategy to help maintain a long-term weight loss. 

ChiroThin™ Safety Guidlines

  • The ChiroThin™ Program is doctor supervised. Each participant has a follow-up visit with the supervising doctor on a weekly basis. During these doctor-patient encounters, patients will answer questions regarding their overall health, their adherence to the diet, and any struggles or challenges they may be experiencing. Participants are then weighed, receive an 8-point body measurement, and their blood pressure is taken. Doctors use this data to calculate each patient’s BMI. Based on all of this information, participants are then given detailed information and instruction as it pertains to what they need to do for the upcoming week.
  • All patients are prescreened for complicating factors, poor prognostic indicators, and contraindication. If the screening reveals a complicating factor or poor prognostic indicator, a doctor will discuss the concern with the potential participant. 
  • Depending on the severity of the projected clinical implications of the complicating factor or poor prognostic indicator, a person may be prohibited from undergoing the program.
  • If a potential participant’s past medical history contains any contraindications, the participant is prohibited from undergoing the program. 
  • The ChiroThin™ Program is based on a low glycemic index and anti-inflammatory (LGAI) diet.
  • The ChiroThin Program includes the consumption of complex carbohydrates and is not a “protein-only” program. Complex carbohydrates prevent excessive ketosis, hyperuricemia, diuresis, electrolyte loss, re-feeding edema, and they may improve muscular endurance.
  • While undergoing the six-week program, the participant consumes between twenty-four and thirty ounces of nutrient-dense low glycemic index and anti-inflammatory foods per day.
  • The nutritional support formula is specifically developed to aid in fatty acid metabolism, suppressing hunger and cravings, stabilizing blood sugar, and in the mild detoxification of the body.
  • The program is six weeks in duration and falls well within the accepted standards for very low calorie diets (VLCDs), as established by scientific data. These parameters include: doctor supervision, time on VLCD, dietary modifications, behavioral modifications, nutritional supplementation, and, when indicated, exercise. 
  • The program provides a “re-feeding” component during which participants transition back to a “normal” diet composed of LGAI foods.
  • Participants are provided with guidelines, strategies, and tools to help them increase their chances of long-term weight loss success. These tools are based on each patient’s BMR, activity level, appropriate exercise, and continued healthy nutritional consumption.


VLCD & Diabetes

American Diabetes Association

Benefits Of VLCD Outweigh Risks In NIDDM:

American Diabetes Association

Normalized Hypothalamic Response To Glucose Consumption:

Benefits For Obese Diabetics

American Diabetes Association

Adolescents Type 2 Diabetics and VLCD:

American Diabetes Association

Benefits in Obese NIDDM:

Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice

Improved Glomerular Filtration:


Efficacy/History/Safety of VLCD

International Journal of Obesity

Development, Efficacy and Safety of VLCD:

Nutrition & Diabetes Journal

Safety & Efficacy In Pre-Diabetic, Diabetic, and NormoglycemicPatients:

International Journal of Obesity

Analysis of VLCD Outcomes:

Nutrition Journal

Improved Metabolic Control:


Miscellaneous Studies

Journal Of Diabetes & Metabolism

Improved Renal Function:


Am Journal of Gastroenterology

VLCD Before Gastric Bypass:



These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.